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Experience the Most Hauntingly Beautiful Horror Game of All Time!


I'm will before drink coffee bro


Beautiful game. Please keep doing what you're doing.


Super cool definitely reccomended if you like artsy games


This was so cool


So glad I found you through Isolomus! I noticed the art style while scrolling through steam and has no idea you had made this first. So good!

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This game game is so intriguing with its colors and shapes that I can't help but share it with everyone I know.


Oh, thank you !)


Well that was a massive acid trip, pretty dope.


A beautiful and relaxing experience. Loved the art style.


Wurroom was a wonderfully confusing experience! 😄


This game is a real work of art, it's amazing. Makes me think of Jan Švankmajer. The little puzzles were interesting, but really I was more into the animation of it. Awesome.


Really loved this! It'd be great if the transitions to each section were a bit smoother and it got a teeny tiny bit laggy right towards the end, but it didn't take away from it. The overall experience was great! You guys do wonderful animation work with clay and it's refreshing to see something typically tied to film incorporated into gaming in this way. Good luck with Ultra Strangeness!


This is epic. This should be the top game on itchio right now


Thank you!  But I suppose it's too surreal, even for itchio ^___^


Absolutely loved this experience. It's beautiful in so many ways. The ambient soundtrack with surreal imagery work hand in hand perfectly. It feels amazing polished as well and for how weird the puzzle solving is, I advanced with little no issues. I def felt something with the bug news reporting. I cannot wait for Ultra Strangeness. Phenomenal.

Thank you so much! Glad you like it despite of all issues. I've just updated the version, with bug fixes!